Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Slice of American Pie"

Generation Y kids, including myself, have gotten the privilege of growing up in one of the most unique cultures ever known to man. The innovations of the television, cell phone, computers, and all things technologically advanced have drastically transformed American entertainment culture that we know today. "Family Time" in America today can be defined as eating dinner on TV trays and watching the latest episode of The Office or Monday Night Football. Although I can remember when my father received his first cell phone and we bought a desktop for the house, I still never got to grow up in this pre-tech era. Sometimes I hear songs like "Slice" by Five for Fighting and my mind wonders to a time that once existed. It always seems like people were happier then. Am I the only one who wishes they could live a month back when there weren’t computers, cell phones, or TVs? Back when apple pie was for desert, families ate dinner together, and baseball occupied our free time. Back when music was first exploding on the entertainment stage. People checked yes or no to "Date Me?" instead of "Infected?" and God was the center of families. I sure read the stories and hear the songs and I just wish I could go back and experience life then. Sometimes I get bogged down in our microwaved society of "more, more more, faster, faster, faster" production based lives. I'm not a hippie by any means, but I think it would be nice to experience life then...


  1. I've lived pre and post technology and I have to say that I like these times a lot.....with the ability to communicate with my kids and grandkids almost anytime from anywhere. Not to say there wasn't some great things about the 'good old days', but these times are pretty nice too!

  2. Guess the grass is always greener on the other side! I don't take it for granter. Just would be nice to live a month back then.

  3. My family and I eat dinner together every night, and my kids know they have my attention and love whenever they want it. And I love my iPhone, Macbook, and video chats on Gmail...

    You're right that many in society are lost in their ways, but I'd argue that there have always been these people. We make of life what we decide to make of life, and there is no doubt there are tons of distractiosn nowadays...but we can and choose to get back to the important things. Or more appropriately leverage the technology we have to make better use of our family time....

    I'd love to hear how you might mix silencing the technology with using the technology to expand the relationships you already have...That would be a great post!
