Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Determination: Facing Your Giant

I've never been the smartest student in any of my classes growing up. I was never a curve setter. And I certainly did not have the best ACT score in my graduating class. But one thing that I've never lacked is determination. Determination to at least compete with those "naturally" intelligent students. I also wouldn't consider myself average. I'm in a rare category of students in the academic world. I'm competitive, but only from studying an extra 5 hours a day that no one else is willing to do. That hard working attitude translated into my first ever 4.0 GPA my first year in college. There were times last year that I even reasoned that high school was more difficult than this whole college thing.

Then came sophomore year...

In the fall semester I hit my cliché "sophomore slump". My heart was in a war and my mind was exhausted. It was the first time in my life that I seemed to lose my character defining determination. Apathetic is the only adjective that could properly describe my attitude. I did not like any of my classes and had no vision. I remember just laying in bed wishing that Thanksgiving break and Christmas break would violate every physical law known to man and simply come sooner than usual. I slumped so badly that I questioned if I even wanted to be a college student anymore. After getting down on my knees and verbally telling God that I wasn't sure if I would make it through that semester, I got a huge kick in my butt. I didn't get the answer I was expecting. I wanted a peaceful God to lift me up in his lap and whisper in my ear that everything was going to be ok. Maybe just a little sympathy and a pat on the back. Nope. I didn't get the "mother" version of God. I got the "coach" version. I was told, "Stand up. Now is not the time to slack. I have much bigger plans for you than you have for yourself. Your attitude is not going to get you where I need you. Stephen, my son, declare pre-med. Go and be my hands".

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Right when I start thinking school is becoming repulsive; you want me to commit another 7 years to this sadistic institution? So I did what any normal, Christ following man would do: Went to my advisors and stated my vision and my new goals. A new desire is now burning deep inside of me. I had run out of my own will. I had used up everything in my tank, but now my fuel is unlimited. (Speaking of fuel, I incredibly miss Quick Trip. Never take it for granted Tulsans). Back on topic, now this passion to do my best is bigger and larger than ever. I've had two business advisors tell me that I really shouldn't do pre-med and still keep at my business degree at the same time. The work load is too intense. No one takes this route. I'm the only pre-med student in the entire Oklahoma State system that is getting a business undergrad degree. In other words, they think I'm crazy; but I see it as a necessary distinction. Their suggestions that I might be in over my head only intensify my fire. I love facing disbelief. And the reason why is the most important thing you can take away from this tremendous, well written blog post : )

Opportunity thrives when the odds are stacked against us. I know the initial shock of bad news or unfortunate circumstances can be overwhelming to our mentality on occasions. But when we observe our past, often our lowest points are God's highest points in our lives. God always seems to set the stage for his dramatic entrances. God could have written David's life to face a "giant" that was only a foot taller than he. Even then, the circumstances would have still favored the giant. But God knew David would have rejoiced that God "lent" him a hand in victory. This wouldn't satisfy our Lord. He purposefully made the odds in extreme favor for the giant. God made sure David was simply a shepherd. God made sure that the giant had defeated many men. God stacked the odds against David so severely, that after the giant was slain the only verbal words David could mutter would be, "This was completely and totally God. I could have never done this by myself". So this brings me to my conclusion, never let the enormity of our circumstances adjust our calling in our lives. When people tell you that you can't do something, be ecstatic because a seed is planted to prove the power of our incredible Lord. I can't wait to walk across the stage in Gallagher Iba Arena, with cords draping around my neck, a diploma in my right hand, and a medical school acceptance letter in my left. Then I can stare my advisor deep in the eyes and sincerely thank her for her disbelief. And leave her with the reminder that with God, all things are possible.

"It feels lighter today... Did I forget something?"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reckless Abandon

Dear Humanity,

It's time to let go. It's time to sprint. Not walk, jog, or inch forward. God placed me on earth for the ONLY purpose to worship him. Yes, a literal worship as in hands lifted to the sky praise and worship; but also to live out my life as an act of worship. My desire is to be a mirror. A mirror that reflects the Creator in every aspect of my life. When people look in my eyes, my only desire is for them to see God. It's time to walk to class and see people filled with the spirit simply from the proximity of the power overflowing out of every pore in my body. It's time to see bondage broken in people's life because I have enough faith for the both of us. It's time for God's glory to radiate from my face just like Moses. People saved without verbally speaking a word. A great testimony being formed. Fire burning through my veins. Indescribable sensations waiting to be released in the greatest form of love. It's time to let go.

I've lived my life simply wanting people to think I didn't do "bad" things. A passive lifestyle. Look at the things Stephen hasn't done. Look at Stephen's clean hands. But inaction is almost as dangerous as wrong actions. It's time to be known for what I do, rather than what I have not done. It's time for leaders to step up and lead in the direction God intended. I cannot be satisfied with complacency. I cannot be a Sunday Christian. It isn't about whether I always remember to bring my Bible to church. Or if I close my eyes during worship. My focus will be shifted from inward concerns to outward battles. Satan isn't the only one willing to fight. If he's "out" seeking to destroy, then this means he's actively taking measures to accomplish his goals. Then why should I or the church simply wait around for him to attack? Why should Christians live dormant? Fight back. Go to war.

I've waited. I've learned. I've built. I've thrown my entire life at Your feet. I've been patient. I've grown. I've been touched. But now Lord, I'm ready. Your son is ready to fight. Let me be unleashed into this world of darkness. Let me pick up my sword and charge ahead. Passivity is dangerous ground to wander. Let the groans of Hell be audibly heard because I'm coming. I'm running. Satan will tremble. This world will never be the same. I've heard you and I'm responding. Let your glory be recognized through the life of Stephen Cliff. A fearless man. A man chasing hard after his God written dream. A man on fire. Yes, it’s time to let go of the only thing standing between good and great: myself.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Morning Mayhem!

I need to take a little break from studying for my Chemistry exam. Thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics are a little too much for my brain to comprehend all in one day. Regardless, I have recognized that I study almost obsessively to the point of mental exhaustion. I'm at the border of determined and insanity. So I must take a break and consume some of your free time with this blog entry.

If you're like me, you despise mornings. I mean you exorbitantly loath the first ray of sun light that hits your window with its unwanted awakening. Almost every morning, I need about 10 minutes to slowly reach a complete state of consciousness. Turn on my lights without permission, talk excessively/intelligently, or look at me wrong and I've been known to lash out in an uncharacterized rage. One of the ways I love to ease into my new day is through music. Pick the right song to wake up to and the rest of your day seems to fall together nicely. So here are a couple of my favorite songs to listen to in the morning. Some might not be the typical "morning" type of song, but it does the trick for me. Maybe you can use my methodology to greet tomorrow with a good mood.

Robbie Seay Band- "New Day"

Mat Kearney- "Where We Gonna Go From Here"

U2- "Beautiful Day"

Jack's Mannequin- "Into the Airwaves"

Dave Barnes- "God Gave Me You"

And no matter how elementary it makes you feel, you simply can not deny that this song makes you in a better mood to start your day...

Fee- "Happy Day"

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Law of Unintended Consequences

Here is some mental candy for you to chew on. I found it incredibly revealing. It's an excerpt from the book "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson. Enjoy.

"In his Letters to Malcolm, C.S. Lews said, "If God had granted all the silly prayers I've made in my life, where would I be now?" Lewis went so far to say that someday we'll be more grateful for our prayers that didn't get answered than the ones that did. The reason for this is simple: Many of our prayers are misguided. We pray for comfort instead of character. We pray for an easy way out instead of the strength to make it through. We pray for no pain, when the result would be no gain. We pray that God will keep us out of pits and away from lions. But if God answered our prayer, it would rob us of our greatest opportunities. Many of our prayers would short-circut God's plans and purposes for our lives if He answered them. Maybe we should stop asking God to get us out of difficult circumstances and start asking Him what He wants us to get out of those difficult circumstances. Most of us blame our circumstances when things aren't going well just like we blame the ref when a game isn't going well. We look for some external scapegoat. But maybe our problem isn't our circumstances. Maybe our problem is our perspective..."


Friday, March 5, 2010

Which Way Do I Go?

I have a great privilege this semester to have Dr. Lee Manzer as my marketing professor. I referred to him at the beginning of the semester as "Dr. Gpa" because he is the oldest tenured professor at Oklahoma State University. He is a unique professor. He isn't interested in monotone, dry lectures that put people to sleep. He doesn't use a PowerPoint slide show presentation with his notes. He doesn't sit in a chair to talk to us. Every day he tries his best to spice things up to make coming to class interesting. This is rare for an older professor at any university. Even with all these great attributes, he is most well known by his stories and quotes. Every class period he will tell interesting long stories that apply to what we cover in the book. He also takes any chance he can get to teach us "life lessons". Many of his stories include: "How easy it is to be great", "How to get people to commit to goals", So on and so on. It is interesting to me how many people I have spoken to, who have had Dr. Manzer as a professor in the past that remember the stories he tells. My older brother and sister-in-law also had him as a professor and they both remember stories that stuck with them through the entirety of their lives. Even the lady who interviewed me for a scholarship a couple of weeks ago told me a few stories she remembered. It's amazing how such a simple teaching philosophy has impacted the memory of so many college students. I was lucky enough to catch the last couple years of his teaching career. I would like to share one of his small "stories" with you: "The importance of goals".

If we don't have goals, than we can't expect to have any accomplishments in our lives. Aside from his story I found this fact very interesting, "The Yale graduating class of 1953 was surveyed to see how many had written goals. Only 3% had written goals. 30 years later, the same class was surveyed again. The same 3% had accumulated over 90% of the wealth of the entire graduating class". Dr. Manzer's story was based around Alice and Wonderland (yes this post is inspired by the premier of the movie tonight). I found a video clip that will save you plenty of reading time.

Do you notice that Alice gets to a fork in the road and does not know which way to turn? She does not know where she is going. She is lost in her circumstances and is just stumbling along mindlessly. She gets to the fork and asks the Cheshire cat a very important question, "Which way do I go?" The cat responds, "Which way do you want to go?"

"I do not know",

"Than it really does not matter which way you go".

If we have no aim in our lives, than it really does not matter which way we go... If we wonder around in our lives, simply clocking in and clocking out type of lifestyle, than we can't expect great accomplishments. "Shoot for the moon and you might end up in the stars". Even if I only hit the stars, that would be better than indecisively standing at the fork in my life on earth. I have taken the initiative to write out my long term and short term goals in my journal. Considering my task oriented lifestyle, this helps me see the current plan for my life. Another day and another story might be who your Cheshire cat might be. Who are you asking for direction or help?

Things to think about ladies and gentlemen. Don't be Alice and simply stumble around a hallucinogenic euphoria with no direction. Get a goal and start pursuing the finish line.

Monday, March 1, 2010


This is the reason I live. Listen to the message this man has to say. It ends about the 4:00 minute mark. Than listen to the song that preceeded the message in the second video. God is good.

With Everything

Open our eyes
To see the things that make Your heart cry
To be the church that You would desire
Your light to be seen

Break down our pride
And all the walls we've built up inside
Our earthly crowns and all our desires
We lay at Your feet

Let hope rise And darkness tremble
In Your holy light That every eye will see
Jesus our God Great and mighty to be praised

God of all days
Glorious in all of Your ways
Oh the majesty the wonder and grace
In the light of Your Name

With everything With everything
We will shout for Your glory
With everything With everything
We will shout forth Your praise

Our hearts they cry
Be glorified
Be lifted high above all names
For You our King
With everything

We will shout forth Your praise