Wednesday, August 11, 2010

True Feelings: The Vents of an Inexperienced Missionary (#3)


I woke up at seven this morning and just now got back to our house (11:20pm). It was a very long day at the clinic. Everything I saw today will forever be burned into my memory. I saw and learned to treat impetigo, scabies, third degree burns, large fungal growths/infections, and atopic eczema. Seriously, Google search the images of these skin diseases. Now imagine innocent seven year olds with these skin issues. It's heart breaking, but the excitement on their faces when you provide a solution is one of the most fulfilling couple minutes I've ever experienced. This is what I'm called to do. I love it. I also worked hard taking vitals for over 70 people. It was a hectic day to say the least. Life of a real doctor? I think so.

I've noticed that my natural ability to entertain children transcends borders and cultures. I continually distracted myself from my duties by playing with the children. At one point, I had a group of eight children surrounding me talking to me in a language I can barely understand. My heart breaks for God's children. I will say a prayer tonight for every child I met today. It's devastating to see such beautiful children go home to poverty stricken homes and often times abusive homes as well. I often wonder if they will all remember me. I hope they will. May God be with them every day of their lives.

This is a short post. I'm exhausted. And it's only the first day of clinics. God is my strength. By the way, at least 20 people came to know Christ for the FIRST time today in our clinic. Praise Him. Nothing makes my heart happier. The people here in Bolivia have such a large view of God. I've learned that God can only be as big as we make him. How big do you make God? Are you keeping him in a box? Are you fully dependent? I'm praying for you.


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