With the exception of Yankee fans, UCONN fans, or UCLA fans, most true sports fanatics have learned to live in the moment of sports. Most of us don't have the opportunity to invest so much time and passion into a team to be rewarded with a championship at the end. I've lived for 20 years and besides the Dallas Cowboys championship run when I was much younger, I've never rooted for a national champion. Therefore, I must grasp and hold on to those 'special' moments in my fantasy sports universe. These 'special' memories, along with the emotional side stories that accompany sports are the reasons people like me watch sports. I mean seriously, how can you look at this photo and not appreciate what athletics bring to the table.
I have many of these special memories that I can reach back and remember: Seeing Emmitt Smith break the all time rushing record in person, going to my first OSU basketball game with my brother, seeing A-Rod hit a walk-off grand slam against the Red Sox in the bottom of the 12th inning, watching the Yankees play ball, watching Michael Jordan cross over and drain the game winning shot against the Jazz while running fever, seeing John Lucas hit the game winning shot over St Joe’s to send the Pokes to the Final Four, or my own personal experience of playing 10 minutes of a basketball game with a broken nose. Of course, I can't leave out seeing your dad get kicked out of a state tournament for yelling at the officials in defense of his son. Ask any human why he or she watches sports and I guarantee everyone will have their own set of 'special' stories to tell. These stories are the reason we faithfully keep watching our teams play even when they are losing.
This past weekend I have another story to add to my collection. My OSU Cowboys basketball team upsetting the number one ranked team in the country! I have to admit that over the years I've learned, when it comes to sports, to expect the worse, therefore I'm never disappointed. My mindset walking into the game was that I was blessed to get to see at least five future NBA players play a game on the same court. I never would have expected we would do the impossible: win. Immediately, this memory has become branded as an all time favorite. The popular Al Michael's quote, "Do you believe in miracles?" kept pounding in the back of my mind as the seconds wound down to one of the largest victories in our school's history. I will never forget how loud the stadium rocked in the final minutes of the game when James Anderson threw down the game clinching break away dunk. The surreal converged with reality when I peaked over my shoulder to see the thousands of students inching closer and closer to the front row in anticipation of rushing the floor. The skinny police officers were not going to keep the deeply torchered Cowboy fans from ravishing our once in a lifetime victory celebration on Eddie Sutton court. Travis Ford's ear to ear grin said it all as he invited the students to rush the floor with 5 seconds remaining.
I'll never forget the rush, but I'll also never forget our tradition of holding the fan next to you and singing the Alma Mater after our victory. But this time is was done at mid court and under the arms of our fellow students, friends, and basketball team. I will simply never forget.
We're going dancing! Go Pokes!
I'm Stephen Cliff from Tulsa, Oklahoma and this blog is for family, friends, and unknowns to get a minute glimpse of college life at Oklahoma State University from the perspective of a man who's fueled by Christ's love to make it through to medical school.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Come and Listen
This post is inspired by what the Lord has really been pressing in my Spirit lately as I've been seeking Him. As you recently read, I sought out God in my mental battle and he revealed himself in a Love I've never felt before. Therefore, it became my goal to obtain a better understanding of this love and what do I get? A lesson in humbleness. I've never been happier to not be in control. Just like before, now I see a significant correlation between these two subjects than I originally assumed.
Many people have a desire to love God, but are not sure how to express it. It is a dumbfounding thought: how do we, a sinful natured humanity, show love for the perfect creator of the entire universe? Let the Holy Spirit tell you very simply. Straight from the Word.
Matthew 25:31-33; 41- 43
31"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. . . 41"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'
Imagine the Lord saying this right in front of you... I'm sure you're thinking the exact same thing as I am, "Whoa, whoa, whoa God. First off, I never saw you hurt, thirsty, or naked. So this must not apply to me." Wrong. Read on.
Matthew 25:44-45
44"They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' 45"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
Clear as mud, right? It couldn't be more obvious. If you want to express your love for God, express it through loving his image bearing children. Yes, even the ones who aren't defined as 'cool' in our twisted modern culture. When I get to heaven, I plan to throw myself down at Jesus' feet. Right in front of the gates and every heavenly host there is. Before I go talk to the one who had a 'heart after God's own', King David, I will just lay down in front of Jesus and worship. If the power of his love can be so overpowering here on earth, can you imagine the feeling of standing eye to eye to the one who gave his entire life just to have this single moment with you? I think we all agree. I can't imagine Jesus bending down to touch my shoulder to tell me to move to the 'left' after reciting verse 45 to me. It's easy to picture us bowing down before Jesus in Heaven, but we have to realize we are commanded to bow down every day on earth. To do so, it requires a humble loving of all creation, especially when we don't necessarily want to.
Picture it this way. We are first commanded to love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds. Our second commandment is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. If God's image is in every single one of us, are we not fundamentally accomplishing both of these commandments at once by humbly loving others? You are expressing God's love into another's life, while at the same time expressing to God your desire for Him. It fits together perfectly.
Our lives are too short to live for ourselves. We often think that life is about "me, me, me". What car do I want to drive? What beautiful girl do I want to marry? What house do I want to live in? It goes on and on. Please see that our life here on earth is just a quick breath in God's eyes. In the broad scope of things, essentially all we are is that "one guy" who is an extra, walking in the back ground of the newest movie you went to see last weekend (Crazy Love). That's all. Our life is simply too short to NOT point the glory back to the main character of this "film". My dad taught me that life seems to go by more quickly as we age because the past 12 months we just lived makes up a smaller percentage of our lives. When you're 4 years old turning 5, your past year seemed to last forever because it was 20% of your entire life. When you're 49 years old turning 50, the past year went by so quickly because those 12 months were only 2% of your life. Now picture this movie in God's eyes. My friends, we are only 0.0000000000001% of this movie. There is not enough time to live for yourself. We're called to live in sacrifice and love.
I hope you'll grasp what God has been running through my simple mind over the last week. I've really made great strides in understanding this, but I got hit hard by God last Tuesday night during worship at Overflow. Sometimes God can be similar to how our school system works. He'll teach us things and show us things, but he'll also test us to see where we stand. He wants to know if we're "good" soil or "bad" soil. While the band played the song in the video above, I contemplated all these gut wrenching commands. The Lord nailed me with a single question that took my breath away. He said, "Son, if you truly love me in complete humbleness, are you willing to give up your entire life for a single soul, who you might not even know, to be saved"? Wow. For one person. But Lord, I've invested so much into my school work to just give it all up. I've worked so many hours to save up money. I've spent countless hours in the gym to succeed in my sport. Listen, this is the ultimatum. This movie is not about us. When people look at me, I desire to reflect back to the One who gives us meaning. That is my dream. And if this means to give up all my investments on earth for one soul to be eternally saved then, "Yes Father". This is my humble, honest answer. What will it be for you? Life about you or life about Him? You decide.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Dear Future Wife
Dear Future Wife,
It’s me, your husband. I’m in my second year at Oklahoma State; boy, it’s getting rough. Sometimes I don’t have as much time as I would prefer. My professor for Chemistry is Dr. Raft. He is a vicious, sadistic madman. Can you believe that I scored a 60% on my last exam but still doubled the class average? I’m taking 17 hours of credits this semester, but probably spend 80% of my time on this one class. I complain about its difficulty but it has forced me to draw closer to God and put my trust in Him. It is simply amazing how little effort God requires of us to draw closer to Him. I really cannot get enough of Him.
I want you to know that I pray for you every day. I can’t wait to see how beautiful you are, inside and out. If you are actually reading this, then I’m so thankful you saw through my shy personality. I promise that I’m a nice guy once you get me to open up! I’m sure that you’ve already learned of my obsession of sports. I must apologize now for the pain and agony that I will bring into future generations of our family. Regretfully, I root for all losers. You shouldn’t blame me though, blame your father-in-law. It’s his fault. But as every sports fan knows, my passion for sports isn’t just based in the win and loss column. Everyone knows the stories that come attached to the sports are the real reason people watch. I’m sorry now that every Sunday after church will be dedicated to Cowboy football. It sincerely won’t hurt my feelings if you want to spend time with your girl friends during the game. Go get coffee or go shopping. Just please leave the 50” HD TV to me and my boys for the game. If you would prefer to watch the game with us, than I will let you wear my Emmitt Smith jersey that I bought at the game when he broke the all time rushing record. Yes, I love you this much.
I really hope you like to clean dishes. I despise cleaning dishes. I’ll gladly do all the laundry. My mom taught me how at a very young age. I’ll even separate the colors and whites like a good husband. I actually like making cool designs in the carpet with the vacuum too! There’s a deal: I’ll vacuum and do the laundry if you change all the diapers and clean the dishes. That’s fair, right? Wonderful. I promise to always do my share of house work. You deserve the help. You’re much too beautiful to always be cleaning a toilet. File and paint your nails on the couch, I’ll help take care of it.
I’m so glad I have the privilege to marry someone who is a giver. I hope the amount of money budgeted into our “giving” category is enough. Considering the nature of your heart, I’m sure there will never be enough to give away. I’m so happy that you’re interested in missions. I can’t wait to take my first mission trip with you. I know God is capable of using my help to change the world, but can you slightly imagine how much of an impact on the world God can make with us working together? You’re so amazing. If you don’t desire to work full time, then I’ll make enough to support our family. I’ll stand behind your decision if you would like to stay home and take care of our children. The more time you spend with them, the more you can pour into their lives. And I want our children to grow up to be just like you. I also pray they resemble the physical beauty of you as well. Especially my daughters. I would also be willing to adopt children if the timing was right. The more children we can have in our home, the more of an impact our family can have for the kingdom of God. Don’t you agree?
I promise to always be the spiritual leader of our amazing family. I understand that I can’t control every situation and solve everything on my own. That isn’t how I want to do it anyways. Decisions in our marriage will always be based in our responsiveness to the Lord’s will. You can also trust me to be the financial leader of our house. I would never exclude your help though. I don’t want to control all the money. Oh wonderful wife, I’m such a lucky man. I’m so glad that I found a girl who believes in me. I’m elated to have a woman who makes an average man great. It is a guarantee that I will never stop talking about you. People will be so tired of hearing about how lucky I am. You are in the most important spot in my life that you could possibly be , my number 2. Right behind God. I waited so long for you and I couldn’t have been blessed more. I’ve conquered many battles so that I could become the man I am today. God picked me up when I was hurting and molded me into the man I am now. So I can’t say I regret my past, it taught me many things. Just always remember that the past is the past; I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in the future. Baby, we’re going to rock this world together. I can’t wait to read this to you. You are best ever. I mean it.
I love you,
P.S. I will never forget to leave the toliet seat up. I promise.
It’s me, your husband. I’m in my second year at Oklahoma State; boy, it’s getting rough. Sometimes I don’t have as much time as I would prefer. My professor for Chemistry is Dr. Raft. He is a vicious, sadistic madman. Can you believe that I scored a 60% on my last exam but still doubled the class average? I’m taking 17 hours of credits this semester, but probably spend 80% of my time on this one class. I complain about its difficulty but it has forced me to draw closer to God and put my trust in Him. It is simply amazing how little effort God requires of us to draw closer to Him. I really cannot get enough of Him.
I want you to know that I pray for you every day. I can’t wait to see how beautiful you are, inside and out. If you are actually reading this, then I’m so thankful you saw through my shy personality. I promise that I’m a nice guy once you get me to open up! I’m sure that you’ve already learned of my obsession of sports. I must apologize now for the pain and agony that I will bring into future generations of our family. Regretfully, I root for all losers. You shouldn’t blame me though, blame your father-in-law. It’s his fault. But as every sports fan knows, my passion for sports isn’t just based in the win and loss column. Everyone knows the stories that come attached to the sports are the real reason people watch. I’m sorry now that every Sunday after church will be dedicated to Cowboy football. It sincerely won’t hurt my feelings if you want to spend time with your girl friends during the game. Go get coffee or go shopping. Just please leave the 50” HD TV to me and my boys for the game. If you would prefer to watch the game with us, than I will let you wear my Emmitt Smith jersey that I bought at the game when he broke the all time rushing record. Yes, I love you this much.
I really hope you like to clean dishes. I despise cleaning dishes. I’ll gladly do all the laundry. My mom taught me how at a very young age. I’ll even separate the colors and whites like a good husband. I actually like making cool designs in the carpet with the vacuum too! There’s a deal: I’ll vacuum and do the laundry if you change all the diapers and clean the dishes. That’s fair, right? Wonderful. I promise to always do my share of house work. You deserve the help. You’re much too beautiful to always be cleaning a toilet. File and paint your nails on the couch, I’ll help take care of it.
I’m so glad I have the privilege to marry someone who is a giver. I hope the amount of money budgeted into our “giving” category is enough. Considering the nature of your heart, I’m sure there will never be enough to give away. I’m so happy that you’re interested in missions. I can’t wait to take my first mission trip with you. I know God is capable of using my help to change the world, but can you slightly imagine how much of an impact on the world God can make with us working together? You’re so amazing. If you don’t desire to work full time, then I’ll make enough to support our family. I’ll stand behind your decision if you would like to stay home and take care of our children. The more time you spend with them, the more you can pour into their lives. And I want our children to grow up to be just like you. I also pray they resemble the physical beauty of you as well. Especially my daughters. I would also be willing to adopt children if the timing was right. The more children we can have in our home, the more of an impact our family can have for the kingdom of God. Don’t you agree?
I promise to always be the spiritual leader of our amazing family. I understand that I can’t control every situation and solve everything on my own. That isn’t how I want to do it anyways. Decisions in our marriage will always be based in our responsiveness to the Lord’s will. You can also trust me to be the financial leader of our house. I would never exclude your help though. I don’t want to control all the money. Oh wonderful wife, I’m such a lucky man. I’m so glad that I found a girl who believes in me. I’m elated to have a woman who makes an average man great. It is a guarantee that I will never stop talking about you. People will be so tired of hearing about how lucky I am. You are in the most important spot in my life that you could possibly be , my number 2. Right behind God. I waited so long for you and I couldn’t have been blessed more. I’ve conquered many battles so that I could become the man I am today. God picked me up when I was hurting and molded me into the man I am now. So I can’t say I regret my past, it taught me many things. Just always remember that the past is the past; I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in the future. Baby, we’re going to rock this world together. I can’t wait to read this to you. You are best ever. I mean it.
I love you,
P.S. I will never forget to leave the toliet seat up. I promise.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
How to Write a Paper in College
I stole this idea, but I inserted my own personal opinons and steps. It's more true than you know. Really.
How to write a paper in college:
1. Sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a well lit place in front of your computer.
2. Log onto Facebook. Check your email.
3. Read over the assignment carefully, to make certain you understand it.
4. Walk down to Twenty Something and buy Reeces, Fruit Jammers, and Mountain Dew.
5. Check your email.
6. Call up a friend and ask if she wants to go to grab a coffee. Just to get settled down and ready to work.
7. When you get back to your room, sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a clean, well lit place.
8. Read over the assignment again to make absolutely certain you understand it.
9. Check your email.
10. You know, you haven't talked to that kid you met at camp since fourth grade? You'd better call him now and get it out of the way so you can concentrate.
11. Look at your teeth in the bathroom mirror.
12. Grab some jams off of iTunes. With a giftcard from Christmas of course.
13. Check your email.
14. Facebook chat with one of your friends about the future. (ie spring break plans).
15. Check your email.
16. Listen to your new music and get some more.
17. Phone your friend on the other floor and ask if she's started writing yet. Exchange derogatory remarks about your professor, the course, the college, and the world at large.
18. Walk to the store and buy a pack of gum. You've probably run out.
19. While you've got the gum you may as well buy a magazine and read it.
20. Check your email.
21. Check the TV Guide app to make sure you aren't missing something truly worthwhile on TV.
22. Play some spider solitare (or spades!)
23. Check out bored.com.
24. Wash your hands.
25. Call up a friend to see how much they have done, probably haven't started either.
26. Look through your roommate's book of pictures from home. Ask who everyone is. Or look at every photo tagged of you Facebook.
27. Sit down and do some serious thinking about your plans for the future.
28. Check to see if bored.com has been updated yet.
29. Check your email and listen to your new music.
30. You should be rebooting by now, assuming that windows is crashing on schedule.
31. Read over the assignment one more time, just for heck of it.
32. Scoot your chair across the room to the window and watch the sunrise.
33. Lie face down on the floor and moan.
34. Punch the wall and break something.
35. Check your email.
36. Mumble obscenities.
37. 5am - start hacking on the paper without stopping. 6am -paper is finished.
38. Complain to everyone that you didn't get any sleep because you had to write that stupid paper.
How to write a paper in college:
1. Sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a well lit place in front of your computer.
2. Log onto Facebook. Check your email.
3. Read over the assignment carefully, to make certain you understand it.
4. Walk down to Twenty Something and buy Reeces, Fruit Jammers, and Mountain Dew.
5. Check your email.
6. Call up a friend and ask if she wants to go to grab a coffee. Just to get settled down and ready to work.
7. When you get back to your room, sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a clean, well lit place.
8. Read over the assignment again to make absolutely certain you understand it.
9. Check your email.
10. You know, you haven't talked to that kid you met at camp since fourth grade? You'd better call him now and get it out of the way so you can concentrate.
11. Look at your teeth in the bathroom mirror.
12. Grab some jams off of iTunes. With a giftcard from Christmas of course.
13. Check your email.
14. Facebook chat with one of your friends about the future. (ie spring break plans).
15. Check your email.
16. Listen to your new music and get some more.
17. Phone your friend on the other floor and ask if she's started writing yet. Exchange derogatory remarks about your professor, the course, the college, and the world at large.
18. Walk to the store and buy a pack of gum. You've probably run out.
19. While you've got the gum you may as well buy a magazine and read it.
20. Check your email.
21. Check the TV Guide app to make sure you aren't missing something truly worthwhile on TV.
22. Play some spider solitare (or spades!)
23. Check out bored.com.
24. Wash your hands.
25. Call up a friend to see how much they have done, probably haven't started either.
26. Look through your roommate's book of pictures from home. Ask who everyone is. Or look at every photo tagged of you Facebook.
27. Sit down and do some serious thinking about your plans for the future.
28. Check to see if bored.com has been updated yet.
29. Check your email and listen to your new music.
30. You should be rebooting by now, assuming that windows is crashing on schedule.
31. Read over the assignment one more time, just for heck of it.
32. Scoot your chair across the room to the window and watch the sunrise.
33. Lie face down on the floor and moan.
34. Punch the wall and break something.
35. Check your email.
36. Mumble obscenities.
37. 5am - start hacking on the paper without stopping. 6am -paper is finished.
38. Complain to everyone that you didn't get any sleep because you had to write that stupid paper.
Monday, February 15, 2010
5 Observations of Love
You've probably already read my post yesterday regarding the overwhelming feelings of moving a step closer to understanding God's love. Tonight, I'd like to take a different approach on the same topic. Human relationships. I know I'm only 20 years old and barely know the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding true love. Feel free to disagree, but I simply want just show a quick glimpse of the things I've learned in my short life. Some things maybe I would appreciate different in my next relationship. Consider this a sneak peek into my personal journal. It doesn't necessarily have to be correct in everyone's opinion. Here are my 5 simple observations of love.
1) I'm tired of what I call "eye gazing" relationships. When two people are so absorbed into each other that they neglect their surroundings and sometimes even themselves. The infatuation of the other person is the meat of the relationship. The whole design and fuel of the relationship is basically based in emotions or feelings. I want a woman who isn't staring at me. I want a woman who is looking in the same direction with me. My dad's most common relationship advice he gives out for free is that your goal should been seeking God with your whole heart; you’re eyes should be set on Him. And one day you'll glance over and there will be a woman by your side seeking the same thing. Bingo father. It sounds so charming theoretically, but I am striving to make it real in my life. I don’t want a relationship anymore based on ‘eye gazing’, I want a woman who will hold my hand and run in the same direction with me. Who will trust me and grow in Christ with me.
2) Be careful what you specifically fall for in a woman or man. Everyone has been told since they were in middle school to not base relationships off looks. That's easy. Everyone knows we all end up wrinkly, old, and gray one day. But look even deeper. Personalities can change too. Personalities, similar to looks, should just be the initial attraction, but not the foundation. I've learned to seek out the heart, vision, and goals of people. I want to fall madly in love with my next girlfriend’s heart. Not her looks or personality. I want to have the same visions and love for other people as her. I don’t want to say, “You need to meet my girlfriend, she is such a cool person”. I want to say, “You need to meet my girlfriend, her heart is so on fire for God. She constantly pushes me to be a better man.”
3) Never convince yourself that you can change somebody by dating them. If you agree to date or marry someone with the hope or intention that they'll change eventually, than you are making a mistake my friend. I have a heart for broken people. I constantly find myself making goals to help "fix" a person or to make them better. People often come to me with their problems, and I fall for the person while I’m helping. But mixing love with this aspect of my heart is like fire and gasoline. A mentor just told me last week, "You've got to be a whole person before you can be someone else's half". It seems corny, but I finally see the importance of it. I desire a girl who is confident, who is dependent, and who is 'whole'. I don't want to date someone that I feel like I need to fix. I want 'iron sharpening iron'. Someone who pushes me out of my comfort zone. Someone who makes me grow, not someone who is constantly requiring fixing.
4) I want to model my relationship after Jesus' relationship with his bride, the church. We come nowhere close to being in a position to deserve God's love. Every day I mess up, yet he still shows me this grace with 'no strings attached'. He doesn't show me love and grace than tell me that I must pray for 3 consecutive hours if I want to make it up to Him. No way. I want a woman who has the mind of Christ and has the same philosophy of giving. If I buy a girl a necklace, yet in the back of my mind I'm expecting a gift next week in return; how valuable is the gift I'm giving? I want a relationship where no tabs are being kept or no expectations are demanded. I desire a complete selfless love, one that is content in only giving without receiving. And by content I mean happy. Happier giving than receiving. Yes that’s right. Are there any of these rare people still available?
5) I could really go on for pages, but I'll keep it concise so you won't have to drain so much time : ) I want a girl who loves God more than she loves me. Yes. I want to be her "number 2" as Pastor Craig, pastor at Lifechurch, calls it. I don’t want to be her number 1. I can't think of a more desirable relationship than when I can have confidence that my number 2 is adhering to God's calling on her life regardless of me. When someone is completely operating in God's will, is it not easier to trust them with your heart? Is it not easier to listen to them? I don't want to be in control of my next relationship. I want the responsibility of leading our relationship according to God's desires. I relinquish my attitude that I must be in absolute control of everything so that "nothing bad happens" or "it can't get messed up". I've learned the hard way. Now I'm ready to let God direct my plans and I'm excited for the opportunity to be with someone who is chasing after the same dream.
So there it is. It's not life changing advice or even that deep. But it's what I've learned in the last several months and it's what I have been praying for. I might not have everything figured out, but I feel like I'm on the right track for wisdom and I couldn't be happier.
P.S. Feel free to send out a link of this post and any single ladies who would be good fits : ) Only kidding!
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1) I'm tired of what I call "eye gazing" relationships. When two people are so absorbed into each other that they neglect their surroundings and sometimes even themselves. The infatuation of the other person is the meat of the relationship. The whole design and fuel of the relationship is basically based in emotions or feelings. I want a woman who isn't staring at me. I want a woman who is looking in the same direction with me. My dad's most common relationship advice he gives out for free is that your goal should been seeking God with your whole heart; you’re eyes should be set on Him. And one day you'll glance over and there will be a woman by your side seeking the same thing. Bingo father. It sounds so charming theoretically, but I am striving to make it real in my life. I don’t want a relationship anymore based on ‘eye gazing’, I want a woman who will hold my hand and run in the same direction with me. Who will trust me and grow in Christ with me.
2) Be careful what you specifically fall for in a woman or man. Everyone has been told since they were in middle school to not base relationships off looks. That's easy. Everyone knows we all end up wrinkly, old, and gray one day. But look even deeper. Personalities can change too. Personalities, similar to looks, should just be the initial attraction, but not the foundation. I've learned to seek out the heart, vision, and goals of people. I want to fall madly in love with my next girlfriend’s heart. Not her looks or personality. I want to have the same visions and love for other people as her. I don’t want to say, “You need to meet my girlfriend, she is such a cool person”. I want to say, “You need to meet my girlfriend, her heart is so on fire for God. She constantly pushes me to be a better man.”
3) Never convince yourself that you can change somebody by dating them. If you agree to date or marry someone with the hope or intention that they'll change eventually, than you are making a mistake my friend. I have a heart for broken people. I constantly find myself making goals to help "fix" a person or to make them better. People often come to me with their problems, and I fall for the person while I’m helping. But mixing love with this aspect of my heart is like fire and gasoline. A mentor just told me last week, "You've got to be a whole person before you can be someone else's half". It seems corny, but I finally see the importance of it. I desire a girl who is confident, who is dependent, and who is 'whole'. I don't want to date someone that I feel like I need to fix. I want 'iron sharpening iron'. Someone who pushes me out of my comfort zone. Someone who makes me grow, not someone who is constantly requiring fixing.
4) I want to model my relationship after Jesus' relationship with his bride, the church. We come nowhere close to being in a position to deserve God's love. Every day I mess up, yet he still shows me this grace with 'no strings attached'. He doesn't show me love and grace than tell me that I must pray for 3 consecutive hours if I want to make it up to Him. No way. I want a woman who has the mind of Christ and has the same philosophy of giving. If I buy a girl a necklace, yet in the back of my mind I'm expecting a gift next week in return; how valuable is the gift I'm giving? I want a relationship where no tabs are being kept or no expectations are demanded. I desire a complete selfless love, one that is content in only giving without receiving. And by content I mean happy. Happier giving than receiving. Yes that’s right. Are there any of these rare people still available?
5) I could really go on for pages, but I'll keep it concise so you won't have to drain so much time : ) I want a girl who loves God more than she loves me. Yes. I want to be her "number 2" as Pastor Craig, pastor at Lifechurch, calls it. I don’t want to be her number 1. I can't think of a more desirable relationship than when I can have confidence that my number 2 is adhering to God's calling on her life regardless of me. When someone is completely operating in God's will, is it not easier to trust them with your heart? Is it not easier to listen to them? I don't want to be in control of my next relationship. I want the responsibility of leading our relationship according to God's desires. I relinquish my attitude that I must be in absolute control of everything so that "nothing bad happens" or "it can't get messed up". I've learned the hard way. Now I'm ready to let God direct my plans and I'm excited for the opportunity to be with someone who is chasing after the same dream.
So there it is. It's not life changing advice or even that deep. But it's what I've learned in the last several months and it's what I have been praying for. I might not have everything figured out, but I feel like I'm on the right track for wisdom and I couldn't be happier.
P.S. Feel free to send out a link of this post and any single ladies who would be good fits : ) Only kidding!
1st Corinthians 13:4-12
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Oh yes, It's Valentine’s Day again. Like every year, it's that time when I hear all the single people complain about today being an over commercialized holiday designed for fake love and a brutal reminder that single people must be single for a specified reason. That's just ignorance. Ha, I just thought I could share my two cents on this topic of love that I've learned and experienced in the last several months. If you don't know my background, than this is the first Valentine's Day in a long time that I won't have someone to share it with. Ironically, this is the happiest I've ever been on Valentine’s Day. Not because my past valentines were insufficient or incompatible. They have been incredible people who have changed my life forever; but this Valentines season I have discovered a new level of love. A kind of love that should be spelled with a capital 'L'. A Love that has touched me in a way I never knew possible. God's Love for His children. An overwhelming sensation that no human could possibly provide for another human.
The last several months I've fought an intense mental war with the Devil. Let me be honest and tell you that I was not winning either. I let the enemy grab hold of my thoughts and manipulate them in ways I would have never imagined me believing. From several recommendations and the help of the Holy Spirit, Joyce Meyer's book Battlefield of the Mind landed on my lap. I'm sure you're wondering how a book about taking captive our thought and prayer life could possibly translate in a true, deep understanding of this Love that is available to all. I too am still wondering, but God sometimes works in mysterious ways and I'm incredibly thankful for it. Besides the fact I've made enormous strides in my mental battle, last night I was broken to the point of tears while I read because I drowned in His grace and Love. I firmly believe God used my willingness to reach to Him for help to fix more than one area in need. He saw the mess my mind has been in, but he also saw my broken heart as well.
I became submerged, for the first time, in this Love while reading Romans 8:35, 37. It reveals, “Who shall ever separate us from Christ's love? Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation? Or calamity and distress? Or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword?" Then verse 37 says, "Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him who LOVED us." People, do you see the magnitude of this truth? Absolutely nothing can cease God's love for us. Nothing. The part the Holy Spirit really nailed me with is that we gain victory through Him who loved us. This is exactly what I needed. I have gained victory in my broken hearted love life, simply because He Loves me. It's that easy? I've been repaired and mended into a person stronger than ever before. I've been restored from a boy to a man. God's love and grace is greater than our minds can imagine. And when a sinful, ungrateful person like any human finally comprehends it, the physical body can not contain the overpowering emotion. It can happen in many ways and most often it arrives unexpected. I found this love, forgiveness, and grace through my broken heart and actively seeking out God. Others find it in different ways. My prayer for you is that you too will also have a personal experience with God's vast love and grace. I never knew our hearts and minds operated so closely together. Now I will never doubt the importance. Feel God's love today. Yes, even on Valentine’s Day.
The last several months I've fought an intense mental war with the Devil. Let me be honest and tell you that I was not winning either. I let the enemy grab hold of my thoughts and manipulate them in ways I would have never imagined me believing. From several recommendations and the help of the Holy Spirit, Joyce Meyer's book Battlefield of the Mind landed on my lap. I'm sure you're wondering how a book about taking captive our thought and prayer life could possibly translate in a true, deep understanding of this Love that is available to all. I too am still wondering, but God sometimes works in mysterious ways and I'm incredibly thankful for it. Besides the fact I've made enormous strides in my mental battle, last night I was broken to the point of tears while I read because I drowned in His grace and Love. I firmly believe God used my willingness to reach to Him for help to fix more than one area in need. He saw the mess my mind has been in, but he also saw my broken heart as well.
I became submerged, for the first time, in this Love while reading Romans 8:35, 37. It reveals, “Who shall ever separate us from Christ's love? Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation? Or calamity and distress? Or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword?" Then verse 37 says, "Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him who LOVED us." People, do you see the magnitude of this truth? Absolutely nothing can cease God's love for us. Nothing. The part the Holy Spirit really nailed me with is that we gain victory through Him who loved us. This is exactly what I needed. I have gained victory in my broken hearted love life, simply because He Loves me. It's that easy? I've been repaired and mended into a person stronger than ever before. I've been restored from a boy to a man. God's love and grace is greater than our minds can imagine. And when a sinful, ungrateful person like any human finally comprehends it, the physical body can not contain the overpowering emotion. It can happen in many ways and most often it arrives unexpected. I found this love, forgiveness, and grace through my broken heart and actively seeking out God. Others find it in different ways. My prayer for you is that you too will also have a personal experience with God's vast love and grace. I never knew our hearts and minds operated so closely together. Now I will never doubt the importance. Feel God's love today. Yes, even on Valentine’s Day.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Intramural Athletics
It's regretful that I'm well into my second year of college and just last week was the first organized sports I've been a part of since high school. I've spent most of my time in school studying, hanging out, and recuperating from the mental anguish that takes place week in and week out. Considering I've played some form of athletics every year since I was able to walk, it's been a strange break not being a part of a team. Well, this break has come to an end. The 'Oldschools' took the floor for the first time last Wednesday for my first intramural game of my collegiate career.
Unfortunately, I have too much integrity to simply lie and say we won by 20. We lost by 3 or 4 points in a game we were more than capable of winning by double digits. It was tons of fun though. I forgot how much I miss basketball. For the first time in 2 years, I had that rush of determination, anger, pride, and hustle that some people refer to as competitiveness. It felt wonderful. Almost like a release of stress and built up energy. Now, I can't stop thinking about basketball again. I just want a rematch in the playoffs. Ahhh yes, we will get you next time inferior foes; Stephen Cliff has rediscovered his fiery passion. It's all or nothing now. I might have 4 tough exams this coming week, but all I can currently think about is getting back on the floor. We've got something to prove. A goal at hand.
Now if I can just find a way to translate this focus...
Unfortunately, I have too much integrity to simply lie and say we won by 20. We lost by 3 or 4 points in a game we were more than capable of winning by double digits. It was tons of fun though. I forgot how much I miss basketball. For the first time in 2 years, I had that rush of determination, anger, pride, and hustle that some people refer to as competitiveness. It felt wonderful. Almost like a release of stress and built up energy. Now, I can't stop thinking about basketball again. I just want a rematch in the playoffs. Ahhh yes, we will get you next time inferior foes; Stephen Cliff has rediscovered his fiery passion. It's all or nothing now. I might have 4 tough exams this coming week, but all I can currently think about is getting back on the floor. We've got something to prove. A goal at hand.
Now if I can just find a way to translate this focus...
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